
Family Alphabet Scrapbook

I've been up to a whole lot here lately and haven't had a chance to fill you all in :)
Baby Lukas's due date is quickly approaching {good ole' St. Pattys Day} and SO much has taken place here in our household...
crafting included!

Today, I wanted to share with you all the "Family Alphabet Scrapbook".  Between my husband and I, we have close family who live in a couple different states (and of course, dear husband's immediate family lives in OR...so far away...booo).  I want our son (and future children if we are blessed with more), to know all of these amazing people in our lives!  So, I've been working in my extremely spare (this has been done since oh Christmas break...so!) on this book.  I have just the last few letters to complete.  Some letters we have to wait on baby to arrive! 

How To:
1.  Hubs and I had the alphabet listed out on a piece of paper and slowly over a month we filled out what we wanted to include as it came to mind (this way we couldn't forget anyone/thing). 
2.  Then, on Microsoft Publisher I made all the 'labels'
3.  I picked out all the pictures, printed....and cut to fit on the desired Alphabet page.
4.  Assembled :)

This was a fairly simple process and I adore the outcome.  I can't wait to start 'reading' and or looking at this with our little one!  He will have to just feel the love coming off the pages from all the sweet family faces. 

Now, the hardest part was having all the letters 'covered'.  Luckily, we have in our family a W and a V etc.  However, there were some more difficult letters.  If you plan on making one of these and are stressing about some of the letters you have nothing for....ask me and I'll see if I have any ideas or ones I used!  

Hints: we used 1st names, last names, important locations, family relationships (mom/dad/aunts/cousins...etc)....

I'll include some pictures of this project....but not EVERY letter (that'd be a little crazy..ha) 
~Hope you enjoy~



Kristy said...

What an absolutely fabulous idea. Your children will love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Julie made the twins an abc book when they were one I think with pictures of them.....I haven't seen it in a very long time---hopefully it is safe in a box somewhere! I love the pages I can see here :)

Heather said...

We have a few books like this...the boys LOVE them!!! Yours turned out beautiful!