
Influencial Individual

President Abe Lincoln

In honor of Presidents' day this week and our courageous leaders, we wanted to share with you some artwork created by my students. Painted on 20" x 20" squares, each seperate piece is fabulous in its own right. The students each received a 1" x 1" paper and were asked to proportionally enlarge it using math  and reasoning connections.  They painted the positive space with red paint and outlined it with blue, of course!

March is national Youth Art Month!  Celebrate visual art in schools. Honor the artist that you are! Pablo Picasso once said,  "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”  We are so excited to start sharing with you next week various lessons, inspirations, and ideas that our student-artists possess.

Stay tuned! While you are waiting, pick up a paintbrush, sidewalk chalk, or pencil and start creating!

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